Pierce County Skills Center Phase III


Bethel School District No. 403

Puyallup, Washington

Completed 2014 / 63,121 SF

Design-Build, 1 Story, 300 Students & Staff

Bid Award: $8,360,000

The Pierce County Skills Center Phase III is a new building on the existing Pierce County Skills Center site, and was the first Design-Build K-12 project in Washington State.

Named “Rainier,” the new facility houses the culinary arts program, career center, multipurpose student commons area, grill/deli, administrative offices and classrooms to support the Pierce County Skills Center’s hospitality and medical programs.

This project was constructed while school was in session, and special attention was given to limiting school interruption. Additionally, the design-build team coordinated with the Pierce County Skills Center to have this project serve a teaching/learning tool for students.