Collins Elementary School


Franklin Pierce School District No. 402

Tacoma, Washington

Completed Fall 2020

New Construction, 52,900 SF

2 Stories, 452 Students, Grades K-5

Bid Award: $19,003,000

Collins Elementary was the first of five prototypical schools EMA designed for Franklin Pierce School District. Each of the 5 buildings have unique colors, materials, and site designs; however, the Mechanical Electrical and Structural systems were reused to provide efficiency in build and maintenance.

Collins Elementary uses an efficient floor plan which gives administration the ability to quickly survey and access either the classroom or multipurpose wings from a main circulations spine. The site is sloped, which required special attention to utilities access and queueing for bus and parents, while also avoiding encroaching on a wetland buffer at the rear of the site.

Although the interior has the same layout as other prototypical schools, it still reflects the local student population, giving them their own character and flavor by using different textures, materials, and colors to give students a sense of pride and belonging in their school.